AA Live Chat: Listkeeper's Blog

One member's perspective on Alcoholics Anonymous

Monday, February 28, 2005

Seen On The Web

Uneasy Rider: I'm someone who makes a long time solution for a short term emotion
-Annira, Recovery (AA) Coffehouse

Words That Stay: While AA discussion forums have been on the Web for years, a new crop of upstarts have materialized during the past year. Essentially, these "conversations in cyberspace"can go on for days, months -- even years.

Unlike chatrooms, where the interaction is in real time, discussion forums are more like bulletin boards on the Web, where someone posts a conversation starter, someone else stops by later and adds a response, and so on.

The handy thing about these forums is that all the conversations are neatly arranged in categories and "threads." So you're able to easily follow a conversation with just a few mouse clicks. Many of the posts are also extremely thoughtful.

Here are some AA discussion forums you can check out:

~AA Alcove Group

~AA Canada Forum

~AA Forum Group

~AA Living Cyber
~AAOnline.org.uk Forum

~AAOnline.org.uk Forum



~AA Roundtable Forum

~Alkie's Soapbox


Ghost In The Machine: An extremely inebriated gentleman staggers through the front door of a bar and orders a drink. The barman refuses him and asks him to leave, which he does, only to come hurtling back a few minutes later through the side door. Again, the proprietor tells him, "Sorry, but you're too drunk to serve, sir, you'll have to leave." This time he comes stumbling through the back door only to meet the same results, whereupon he wails, "Maaaaan! How many bars in this town do you work at?"
-Archie, AA Beginners Club

Alcoholics Anonymous


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