AA Live Chat: Listkeeper's Blog

One member's perspective on Alcoholics Anonymous

Monday, January 24, 2005

Works For Me


-Not waking up with a brick in my head

-Not watching my life circle the drain as I look on helplessly

-Sometimes being able to see God working in my life when I decide to give my ego a rest

-By doing the Fifth Step, feeling again what it's like to have a child's heart after being freed from the wreckage of my past

-Accepting and dealing with the fact that both good and evil know all the shortcuts to my heart

-Being able to build each day from where I left off the day before -- rather than having to rebuild each day from Ground Zero

-Having an impenetrable sanctuary buried deep within, where I can find solace with my Higher Power

-Realizing that the easiest way to shake off the blues is to help someone else

-Seeing the concept of "principles before personalities" working my own life, and as a result, being able to have people in my life who otherwise would not be there

-Being given the gift of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous -- a universal toolkit that can repair any and all screw-ups ("No job too big or small")



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