AA Live Chat: Listkeeper's Blog

One member's perspective on Alcoholics Anonymous

Monday, December 20, 2004

Seen On The Web

Sunny Side Up: Someone explained to me the difference between being involved in the program of AA or being committed to the program of AA. They said the difference between being involved and being committed was like a bacon and egg breakfast. The cook is involved, but the pig is committed.
Alkie's Soapbox (http://www.alkies-soapbox.org)

Pick A Door: I used to go to meetings and run out when anyone mentioned the word "God." Did not want to hear it. One day I was trying to escape again and a man stopped me and mentioned that he noticed I had a problem with that word. He had 32 years sobriety at that time. I was not impressed at all. But what caught my attention was that this person claimed to be an atheist.

I had about six months at that time and knew everything that there was to know about AA. Nobody could tell me anything. But I did know that the God word was all through the steps, so how could an atheist be here? I called that man a few names and just a plain liar. How could he be using these steps if he really was an atheist?

GOD -- Good Orderly Direction -- is what he told me.

I just left and decided I would never go to back to these nuts. They just were not as smart as me. About two weeks later, I realized that what this man was trying to tell me what worked for him. He was not trying to sell me or convince me of anything. He had something that worked for him.

What did I have?

Today I look back and realize that I was taught spirituality by an atheist. Where but in AA could so many different people get what they need and help others at the same time?
-Bill K.
Alcoholic Anonymous 2 (http://groups.yahoo.com/, keyword "alcoholicanonymous2")

Cutting-Room Floor: "I was once told that "it's OK to look back but don't stare."
-Clark E.
e-AA (http://www.e-aa.org/)


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